A dizzying dance in honor of the Great Victory

On the occasion of the 78th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, USUE again hosted a dance flash mob “Victory Waltz”. This year, over 340 people aged from 8 to 80 joined the action.

Half an hour before the start of the Victory Waltz, participants and spectators gathered on the square in front of the USUE main building. The square was decorated with photographs of the war years, the flags of Russia and USUE, as well as a copy of the Banner of Victory - a flag hoisted by Soviet soldiers over the Reichstag building in Berlin on May 1, 1945.

USUE Rector Yakov Silin, welcoming the audience, emphasized the importance of Victory Day: “Dear veterans, dear friends, and colleagues, today the entire world celebrates the 78th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. It was the USSR that contributed mainly to the defeat of fascism. Many decades have passed since that moment. The future generation faces an important task of preserving the memory of the price at which independence and freedom were achieved not only for our country but also for the states of the entire world.”

USUE labor veteran Viktor Zhukov congratulated the participants and spectators of the Victory Waltz: “It is very pleasant that a large-scale action, traditionally organized by Ural State University of Economics, is taking place today. The victory was won at the highest price. During the Great Patriotic War, almost 27 million inhabitants of the Soviet Union were killed. Of these, 16 million were civilians. This is a feature of fascism - the destruction of children and women who do not participate in hostilities. But our multinational people withstood the longest and most sacrificial battle. Congratulation on V-Day to all of us!”

The participants of the action were preparing for the performance for more than a month: 170 couples regularly attended rehearsals at the USUE House of Culture. The age range of dancers is wide: from 8 to 80 years. According to the elderly performer of the Victory Waltz Vikenty Vongalov, the most difficult thing was to learn many elements similar to each other: “I am participating in the action of Ural State University of Economics for the first time. In my opinion, the Victory Waltz is important for every person: if there had been no Victory in the Great Patriotic War, we would not have existed. We must remember the feat of millions Soviet people, who fell on the battlefields for our Victory Day.”

The melody of this year's flash mob is " Even modest, but cheerful and active schoolchildren joined the dance on a par with adults: “I participated in the Victory Waltz event last year. That time, before the The melody of this year’s flash mob is “Russian Waltz,” (verses by Nikolai Dobronravov, music by Alexandra Pakhmutova). Many of the girls were in light white dresses, and the boys wore military uniforms. The dancers smiled sincerely. “I am from the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, the city of Beloyarsky. There, every year on Victory Day, a huge parade of equipment is held, many songs dating back to the Great Patriotic War are sung and combat veterans meet. This is the first time I take part in such a large-scale flash mob dedicated to May 9. These are extraordinary emotions! People united to honor the memory of the participants in the Second World War, including my ancestors. My great-grandfather, Sergey Ivanovich Kuts, from 1941 until the Victory fought in a partisan detachment in Ukraine. My other great-grandfather, Adrey Gavrilovich Gopachenko, since 1942 was a technician in the ground attack air force: he replenished the ammunition of aircraft. He was even captured by the Germans, where he lost his eye, but survived!” said Ekaterina Kuts, a participant in the Victory Waltz action, a second-year student at the USUE Institute of Public Administration and Law.

Even modest, but cheerful and active schoolchildren joined the dance on a par with adults: “I participated in the Victory Waltz event last year. That time, before the performance, I was worried about dancing before the entire city. But this time there was no anxiety: I visited all the rehearsals, so I learned the dance with a bang. After the Victory Waltz, I feel I have done a good deed,” a 2nd grade student of school No. 6 Vladimir Riskov shared his emotions.

The waltz swirled some spectators, others could hardly hold back tears.

This year, 170 couples danced in honor of the Victory. The participants of this flash mob were of not only representatives our university but also the Ural Institute of the State Fire Service under the EMERCOM of Russia, the Ural Law Institute of the RF Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ural State Medical University, the Ural Federal University, the Ural State University of Railway Transport, the Ural State University of Architecture and Art, the University of the Humanities, the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, the Children’s and Youth Center of the Leninsky District, lyceums No. 173 and 3, schools No. 44, 106, and114, the Rainbow dance group of the Yekaterinburg boarding school No. 6, student construction teams “Prometheus“, “Edelweiss”, “Viteria“, children’s and youth clubs “Rainbow” and “Good Meetings”.

Victory Waltz in honor of the 78th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War on the square of the Ural State University of Economics"

Besides, there were some exhibitions on the square in front of USUE. Participants and guests of the action learned the biographies of 14 military commanders of the Great Patriotic War: for example, Grigory Ivanovich Kulik, Fyodor Ivanovich Tolbukhin, and Kirill Afanasyevich Meretskov. One could also see items found on the battlefields by activists of the USUE student search group “Honor and Memory”. Among them is a glass flask of 1936 vintage, which was discovered in 2022 near Volgograd. During the Second World War, USSR soldiers used such vessels.

After the performance, all participants and spectators could try soldier’s porridge, cooked by the USUE Food Facility.

Focused on patriotic upbringing of the younger generation, motivating them to study the historical and cultural heritage, preserve the cultural and moral values and spiritual heritage of Russia, the Victory Waltz has become a traditional festive event - USUE has held it for the ninth time. They included the action in the official program of Victory Day celebrations in Yekaterinburg.

On the occasion of the 78th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, USUE again hosted a dance flash mob “Victory Waltz”

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